High level technical Colloquium on a Draft International Instrument on Foreign Judicial Sales of Ships and their Recognition

This high level technical half day Colloquium on the need for an international instrument on foreign judicial sales of ships and their recognition is being co-hosted by the Government of Malta through the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects, the Comite Maritime International and the Malta Maritime Law Association.

It is in response to the wishes of UNCITRAL that there should be an informative technical meeting to enable stakeholders including different jurisdictions, shipowners, and financiers to join forces and discuss the importance of having an international instrument which would introduce a substantial degree of stability and uniformity in an important aspect of maritime trade particularly in economically challenging times.

The Colloquium will be addressed and attended by representatives of UNCITRAL, Governments, financiers, shipowners and jurisdictions which offer robust solutions in these difficult circumstances.

Download the full programme through the link here.